Running The Race

With the home-going of my daughter-in-law’s precious mother, my heart is filled with sadness for their short time of separation, she will be missed. But at the same time its filled with joy knowing she’s now included in this scripture

Hebrews 12:1-2
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, 

Heavens grandstands are full of those who have gone before. The many who have walked this Christian life before us and who are now watching (witnessing) us.  I can just imagine the shouts in the stands when we overcome the traps of the enemy, when we show kindness and God’s love to those in need and I can hear it change to roars when we share the good news of the gospel and a soul is saved.        

let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.

We’ve been watching some of the cycling events of the Olympics and in one of the women’s races the leader was getting close to the finish line but it was raining and as she went into a curve, her bike slid and she took a bad fall and wasn’t able to finish the race. You may be experiencing some rain in your life, the bible says it falls on the just and the unjust…burdens, trouble, and temptation will come. Don’t let anything slow you down or trip you up. 

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus…

Everyone’s personal race looks different.  You may think others have an easier path, less heartache and pain, don’t get discouraged and never give up.  God has given us the instruction manual in His word, Jesus showed us the path and Holy Spirit will teach and train us. If we don’t quit, we will win!