Worship is a vital aspect of a Christian's life and is not limited to just Sunday mornings at church. Worship should also be a daily practice in the private or home setting. In this book, I'll be discussing how worship can be practiced in the privacy of your own home as a powerful part of your devotion to God.

Establishing a daily private worship time is a valuable discipline for Christians to cultivate for several reasons, one of which is that Jesus modeled evidence of regularly spending private devotional time.

Throughout the Gospels, we see instances where Jesus withdrew from the crowds and went away by himself to pray. For example, in Mark 1:35, it states that "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." This shows that even in the midst of a busy ministry schedule, Jesus prioritized spending time alone with God in prayer and worship.

Furthermore, in Luke 5:16, it says that "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed." This shows that Jesus not only set aside time for private worship in moments of need, but he also made it a regular habit in his life.

By following Jesus' example and making daily private worship time a regular habit, we can deepen our relationship with God, cultivate a sense of His presence in our lives, and be strengthened and refreshed for the challenges of each day.

In conclusion, Jesus modeled the importance of private worship time through his own life and example, and we would do well to follow in his steps by making it a priority in our own lives.